Construction Technology for Swivel Stainless Steel Shell Closure of High Speed Rail Continuous Beam
丁进福 DING Jin-fu
(中铁建二十五局集团第四工程有限公司,柳州 545007)
(China Railway 25th Bureau Group Fourth Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Liuzhou 545007,China)
Abstract: The preferred construction technology for high-speed railway continuous beam turning over existing railway, highway,municipal road and other overpass structures is the turning. The span, width, tonnage, angle, and other aspects of the turning are constantly
breaking records. Due to the influence of longitudinal slope, clearance, and net height, the distance between the beam bottom and thecatenary cable is extremely limited when the high-speed railway turning over the existing railway. How to safely and reliably close under limited conditions is a difficult problem that needs to be solved. This article relies on the practice of the double track turning of the FuqingSpecial Bridge on the Nanyu Railway crossing the Hunan Guangxi Railway, and for the first time adopts the stainless steel shell closuretechnology, which effectively solves the problems of the middle closure construction, steel shell rust, and installation difficulties of the upper span existing railway turning bridge. It provides a new solution for the construction of the middle span closing of similar turning bridges,which is a new technological innovation and has high promotion value.
关键词: 高铁连续梁;转体施工;不锈钢壳;合龙;技术应用
Key words: high speed rail continuous beam;swivel construction;stainless steel shell;closure;technology application
上一篇: 探究钢原混凝土组合箱梁桥的荷载试验
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